Scotia Bookbinding

Upcoming Bookbinding Workshops
Instructor: Rhonda Miller

Location: Wonder'neath Art Society
Address: 2482 Maynard Street, Halifax, NS

Crossed Structure Binding
May 25, 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Students will learn how to make a softcover leather journal using one of the Crossed Structure Binding techniques. This is a very practical style of binding and the result is a flexible opening that can lie flat. There are several variations of the Crossed Structure technique and this workshop will provide a thorough introduction and everyone will complete one full binding project. Suitable for beginners or anyone who would like to expand their bookbinding skillset. Fee: $80, includes materials.


Sewn Boards Binding
June 22, 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
In this workshop, students will make a blank, hardcover journal using the Sewn Boards Binding technique. This binding structure is based on various historical bookbinding techniques that have been refined for use with modern materials. The result is an elegant, slim, hardcover book. Fee: $90, includes materials.


Clam Shell Boxes
July 13, 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Bookbinders have been making boxes as long as they have been making books. These boxes are typcially used as custom enclosures to protect books, but the techniques can be used to make boxes for other purposes as well. In this workshop, students will learn how to make a custom clamshell box using traditional bookbinder's techniques. Fee: $90, includes materials.


(c) 2025 Scotia Bookbinding